Book Reviews: Help You To Try Before You Buy?

Good book reviews - like the ones that you will find on this site, give you a good feel of the book that you may be looking to purchase or read.

Wiki defines a review as "a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style, and merit". We will be taking books that are usually of interest to parents and educators like you and I - and provide you with decent analysis of these books.

To be fair to the authors, we will not tell you everything that is in the book. But rather we will point out the highlights (and low lights) of the books, the parts that are most relevant to us as parents and teachers, and of course, the areas that influence the education of the children that we seek to positively affect us on a daily basis.

We hope that you will enjoy reading the reviews that we have listed below. Also feel free to submit your own review through the "contact us" page.

In the mean time, happy reading to you and yours......

Ask The Advocates - Action Plans to Meet Your Child's Learning Needs: A Parent's Guide

Book Reviews: Learning Disabilities